In 1997, during a period of simplicity, Shawn and his wife envisioned embarking on their life journey together, intending to construct their own home. Shawn diligently acquired knowledge on home construction and safeguarding their family’s future asset. He engaged an attorney to formalize the asset protection strategy.

Their dream took shape when they began building their modest abode on a 10-acre plot gifted by their parents, later to be divided into two 5-acre parcels. As Shawn completed the construction, welcoming their first son into the world, they initiated the asset protection process, transferring the property into the designated instrument, ensuring tranquility in their financial affairs.

However, seven years later, they faced financial turmoil, necessitating bankruptcy proceedings. Amidst the asset evaluations, the property ownership became a contentious issue. Demonstrating that the property wasn’t solely theirs, Shawn and his wife successfully defended it from being seized to settle debts, underscoring the effectiveness of their asset protection strategy.

True asset protection often involves relinquishing ownership to safeguard it. We offer a comprehensive solution to address your asset protection requirements, ensuring peace of mind for our clients. This strategy is applicable to any unencumbered asset, facilitating smooth inheritance transitions without the burden of inheritance taxes, encompassing both real and personal property.